So has it really been almost a month since my last post? I am really bad at this! LOL
Well, I think I have been to the Dr. twice since my last post. One scheduled Ultrasound to confirm due date. It is Oct 25th. The second was because I was having stomach pains, but nothing to worry about! The Dr. did a pelvic exam though and said the uterus felt about 13 weeks not 11. So I don't know, I guess we'll wait and see. I would believe the 13 weeks because my nausea has past (for the most part) and I look bigger than 11 weeks. (We'll 12 weeks now).
Everything is going well. I'm able to stay up past 9:00 some nights now so that's good! :) I've only gained 2 pounds but like I said my belly is pretty big, and I have some extra "padding" I can use up too. I'll start taking my belly photos at 13 weeks (according to the ultrasound not the Dr.) and start posting those. I've started hitting the yardsales but can't buy much at this point. I did find a green baby blanket that's really soft. I guess I'll hold off until we find out what we're having. For those of you wondering it should be sometime in June. I can't wait!
Parker has been doing well. I showed him by belly last night and told him that's the baby and he lifted up his shirt and asked where his baby was. He is so funny! I told him only girls have baby's in their bellies. I hope that was a good enough answer. Tomorrow is Good Friday and Parker is spending the day with his cousin Daniel and Aunt Rachel. He is so excited. Rachel has a fun day planned for them and I hope Parker behaves himself! *Please* :)
Till next time...hopefully not next month.
As soon as I figure out how I will post the ultrasound pictures.