Thursday, March 12, 2009

1st Doctors Appointment

I'll start by saying SORRY! I started this post last Thursday and never finished it. Read as if I just had my appointment! :)

So Wednesday was our first appointment. Stephen met me at work and we rode together to the Dr's office. This time I saw Nurse Practitioner Peggy. She is so funny and nice, I really like her! First she did our family history and what my pregnancy and labor was like last time and she explained some different test they can run now so we can think about those. The first is to see if I am a Cystic Fibrosis carrier, which I'm probably not (because Parker doesn't have it) but still it's good info to have so I'm gonna do that. The second is a non-invasive test for Down Syndrome and 2 other things. Stephen and I haven't discussed this one yet. If it is positive we wouldn't do anything about it, we'll love it anyway. On the flip side if it is positive I'd kind of like to know now so I can learn all that I can about it, ya know? So, anyway, still undecided on that one.

Drum roll please....the ultrasound! SO COOL! We got to see our little blob. Not much to see since I'm only 7 1/2 weeks along. It's 1.24 cm now and has a heartbeat of 140 beats per minute. I will eventually scan the US in and post it. The due date is October 25th as of now!

So I go back on the 25th for another ultrasound to confirm the due date and do some "1st trimester" testing.

We are so excited that everything looks good right now and will continue to pray that they stay that way!

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm a blogger?

So here it goes...I have decided to start a blog since I am going through this journey of pregnancy without all my awesome girlfriends and family right there with me. Also, I always wished I had kept a journal when I was pregnant with Parker and said I would if we ever had another child.

The journey begins...
On Feb. 26th I thought I maybe had a UTI so I asked my boss/nurse at work to check my urine. She did and it was good. On a whim I asked her "Do you think we should check it for pregnancy or not since I had a negative blood test on the 11th?" She told me no and I went about my business. A little while later my other boss/Dr. (husband to the nurse) came up and asked me if I had a minute. You can imagine the thoughts going through me head! "Oh no, I am getting fired" "What did I do wrong?" etc, etc. So they proceed to tell me congratulations it's positive. I was like what's positive? She shows me the test and I ask her "What's that?"-ok Amber get with it, your brain REALLY needs to catch up with the situation here! So once I realized what she had done I put my head between my knees in order not to faint. Once I collected myself I called Stephen and was greeted with the same confusion I felt. What? It's day 56, how can this be, you took medicine to make you have your period, you had a negitive blood test? Yes, yes it is very bizarre!

So I call my Dr. and tell her what's up and they are very happy for me and tell me I will be fine even though I took the Provera and to make my OB appointment. So I do. March 11th at 3:30. They say I am 9 weeks along but I'm not so sure since I had 3 negative home test and a negative blood test all from the 5th - the 11th of Feb. The point we are at now is to go to the Dr. have the ultrasound done to see how far along I really am.

How do I feel?
Things are going as well as anyone can imagine. I have the usual tiredness (but it's much easier this time because I've been tired for 4 years! I have 3 yr 3 month old son) I have nausea like last time off and on all day, but again not as bad as last time, I think motherhood has toughened me up! I have been sore but that is also getting better. I haven't gained any weight yet but my tummy is poking out and I can't button my pants already. I hear this is normal for the 2nd one. I hope so or my friends are just telling me that.

Parker is very excited, he's been asking for a sister for about 6 months. I keep telling him we don't get to pick but I think he's been talking to his Granny too much! :) She has someone else on her side! So for now, according to Parker the baby's name is "Sister the baby".

I guess that is it for now. I hope not all the blogs will be this long. I just had a lot to catch up on. Stay tuned...